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Song, but Sound, but Heat, but Fire
Single-channel video, 10 minutes, or an exhibition using dual-channel video
1920 x 1080 FullHD
Vocal:Aoi Tagami
Filming cooperation:Mariko Tomomasa, Takahiro Sekine

To produce sound from a speaker, it is necessary to amplify the faint audio signal and boost it to a level where the sound can be heard at a reasonable volume from the speaker. But what if excessive amplification were to convert the sound into heat, and that heat led to fire? “Song, but Sound, but Heat, but Fire” was created based on this idea.

As the title suggests, this work showcases a process of abstraction where the narrative of a song is transformed into the physical phenomenon of sound, and then further into heat and fire through energy conversion. As the volume increases with the music’s intensity, the speaker, engulfed in flames, self-destructs and loses its function to amplify the voice transmitted through the microphone. In the end, all that remains are the unamplified human voice, the noise of burning, and the remnants of the speaker, such as coils and magnets, covered in ashes.

This playful intervention in objects designed as products ventures into areas not originally defined by their intended use, creating a space for experimentation. However, such experimentation comes with its own risks. This performance blurs the boundaries between risk and play with a sense of humor and responsibility.

スピーカーから音を出すためには、微弱な音信号を増幅させ、スピーカーからそれなりの音量 で聞こえる電気信号レベルまで押し上げる必要がある。例えばその増幅を過度に行うことで、音 を熱に変え、そして熱から火が出てしまったら?《 Song, but Sound, but Heat, but Fire》は、こ のアイディアをもとに制作された。

この作品では、タイトルで示されている通り、歌というナラティブなものを、音という物理現象に、 そしてそこから熱、火へとエネルギー変換するといった、抽象化のプロセスを見ることができる。 音楽の盛り上がりによって音量が増すと、出火して自壊するスピーカーは、マイクを通した声を 増幅する機能を失う。最後は、増幅されなくなった肉声、燃焼音などのノイズ、そして灰まみれの スピーカーの残骸(コイル、磁石などの構成部品)が残される。

製品としてデザインされるモノに対するイタズラ的介入は、当初ツールによって定義されていな い領域に踏み込む遊びを生成できる。しかし、それにはそれ相応のリスクが伴う。このパフォー マンスは、そうしたリスクと遊びの境界線を、ユーモアと責任感をもって混濁させる。

00:00 Flights
Web Application

[2024] ニューバージョンを制作中です。I am working on the new version. [2023/10/14] フライトレーダー24のAPIが死にました。よってこのページも死にました。 The FlightRadar24 API has stopped working. Therefore, this page is also no longer functional.

A clock application that estimates the current location of midnight on Earth and continuously displays information about aircraft flying over that point.

It pulls large amounts of real-time flight data from a flight tracker website, then calculates which planes are flying near the current location of midnight, displaying this information.

This calculation evokes imagery of mysterious flying objects endlessly traveling through the midnight sky, planets where the sun never rises, or lifestyles adapted to avoiding increasingly intense sunlight—perhaps even imaginary airlines offering such services.


Manipulating Automated Manipulated Automation
Video: [No Bounds x Hope Works] Alpaca Session 1.1 - Chiho Oka

Keyboard, mouse, and desktop screen exist as interfaces for humans and machines to exchange information. While humans typically use these tools in real time to control a computer, in this case, the performer stands motionless after executing a script, leaving the pre-programmed movements of the mouse and keyboard to perform automatically. The smooth, purposeless movement of the cursor generates visual and auditory output as desktop folders are rearranged, windows are resized, and the system eventually shuts down. The performer's idle body remains still, as both the performer and the audience watch the computer’s automation unfold until it shuts itself down.


YouTube Slave
Customized Software

A global video viewing automation program that repeatedly searches YouTube for five random letters of the alphabet and watches dozens of seconds of hit videos. While this can be described as an RPA system with absolutely no productivity, it sometimes evokes a sense of joy, as if digging out and peeping at footage lying on someone's old hard drive that you don't know.

YouTubeでランダムにアルファベット5文字を検索し、ヒットした動画を数十秒単位で繰り返し視 聴するグローバル動画視聴自動化プログラム。生産性皆無のRPA(ロボティック・プロセス・オー トメーション)システムとも言えるが、誰かの古いハードディスクに眠っている知らない映像を掘 り出して覗き見るような喜びを呼び起こすこともある。

groove 12

groove 12.1 begins with finely cropped and ripped samples, whose apparent randomness begins to form an ever-accelerating mechanism. Some of the producer's sound palette resembles the Tilman Ehrhorn’s recordings from the "Task" album released by Mille Plateaux. okachiho tastefully oscillates between the dynamics of individual elements of the composition and deliberately introduced silence. A perfect example of this is groove 12.2, starting with a compressed and nervous pulse that gradually breaks down into atomized components shattered by intervals – a mixture of punk energy with post-Cage strategies.

The Best Concert Ever by Chiho Oka and Aoi Tagami
Chiho Oka / Aoi Tagami

Recorded live at Ftarri, Tokyo, January 3, 2021
Recorded and mastered by Ftarri
Artwork and design by Rintaro Unno

“Oka and Tagami's Sound Source Relationship” is a duo that performs mainly singing and improvisation with Oka's synthesizer and Tagami's guitar vocals. Basically, the performance proceeds with the output of the electric guitar used for Tagami's playing connected to the input of the synthesizer operated by Oka. The accompaniment that runs parallel to the smooth singing voice sometimes disappears, sometimes becomes the same volume as the singing, and sometimes masks the singing. Under these circumstances, they are simultaneously driving each other's ensemble and super-ignorance skills.


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